Donation fund
Donate today to do your part to bring equity to the oldest Black Interior Designers organization within the home industry!
Ally sign up coming soon.
Designer: K. McSwain

It’s important during this time to recognize that silence is no longer acceptable.
It is time to take action: through conversations, by educating yourselves about institutionalized racism here in the United States and within our own industry, by peacefully protesting, by being an active anti-racist voice and leader in our community, by donating funds to your community and organizations of color, and by making contributions to groups working hard to make equality for all people a reality.
It is not the responsibility of black and brown people to teach others how to be better. Now, it’s on you.
At BIDN, our mission has always been and will be rooted in connecting, supporting, and empowering. Please join us today as we donate to and support the NAACP and work towards a more inclusive design industry.
The Black Interior Designers Network is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your generous gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Please refer to the advisement of your tax professional along with IRS Publication 526 for more information on charitable contributions.

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